Grizzlies have short tails like polar bears and other bears. These huge bears have a shoulder hump that helps them dig out dens and find food. Habitat loss has rendered grizzly bears rarer in North America.
Bobcats have short tails with a dark marking towards the tip. Bobcats are normally light brown or brownish with white markings and tufts of fur.Long legs let these creatures navigate through their habitat's snow.
The gigantic panda lives in southern China. These huge animals have a black-and-white pattern, tiny ears, and rounded tails.
In the U.S. and Canada, deer are common. Hoofed feet, short tails, and damp noses. Adult bucks develop antlers. White-tailed deer are the most prevalent deer species in North America.
Chinchillas are huge rodents with the shortest tails on this list. Round animals with grey fur and tails. Wild chinchillas live in big groups.
Sheep are a widespread domesticated mammal. These animals are used for wool and meat. Sheep are related to goats but are stockier and produce dense wool. Wild sheep are hairy.
Cotton-ball-like tails. Hares are a separate species than rabbits and much larger. Hares' ears are longer. In the wild, rabbits hide in burrows, vegetation, or yard waste.