Best Vibrant-Painted Caged Birds

The Sun Conure is a medium-sized parrot that combines a rainbow of colours in one stunning bird. With deep violet tail markings, they have an impressive colour palette.

Sun Conure

Jenday Conures rival Sun Conures in colour, size, personality, and more. Jenday Conures, also from South America, are commonly mistaken for immature Sun Conures.

Jenday Conure

Lorikeets, and especially Rainbow Lorikeets, are particularly lovely and colourful birds. Beautiful plumage and lovely personality make them wonderful pets.

Rainbow Lorikeet

Scarlet Chested Parakeets, also called "Splendid Parakeets," are one of the most vividly coloured pet birds. These birds are known for being harder to tame than other hookbills.

Scarlet-Chested Parakeet

Eclectus Parrots are huge, brilliantly coloured birds. Eclectus Parrots are dimorphic; males and females have varied feather colours.

Eclectus Parrot

Beautiful macaws have bold personalities and can mimic human speech. Macaws can learn short sentences and even song samples, like other large parrots.

Scarlet Macaw

They're not cuddly like other parrots. This bird may perch on a shoulder, but not be petted. If tame, a rosella is a good pet for a child. But it may bite.


Wild canaries are native to the Azores, Madeira, and Canary Islands. Wild canaries are greenish yellow with yellow underparts. Domestic canaries are usually yellow.


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