You've Never Seen These 9 Grassland Species Before


Once common in Canada, Mexico, and the US. Europeans turned vast plains into agriculture and nearly exterminated bison.

 Spotted Hyena

The spotted hyena is the largest hyena. Matriarchal indicates a female leads the pack of 100 animals. Even the highest-ranking male hyena is below the lowest-ranking female.

 Maned Wolf

It lives in Bolivia, Peru, Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina. They eat fruits, veggies, rodents, and insects. Maned wolves mate for life, unlike other wolf species.


Badgers live in grasslands. American, honey, and European badgers are the primary ones. All three eat rodents, birds, lizards, fish, and insects.


These beautiful horses are Spanish explorers' descendants. They're wild, yet technically feral. BLM regulates mustangs across the US.


Steppes and meadows are home to bustards. Bustard species include the great, lesser, and blue korhaans. Bugs, lizards, seeds, fruit, leaves, and buds.

Saiga Antelope

Saiga Antelope are strange-looking Eurasian steppe creatures. These creatures have huge horns and bulbous noses to survive in their tough environment.


Dingos roam Australia's grasslands. Small animals, fish, and water buffalo are consumed. Isolated young animals form packs to procreate and hunt more effectively.


Wombats eat grass and roots. These isolated animals only breed once a year. Wombats weigh 40 to 80 pounds.

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